History Weather Conditions at Almoster, Catalunya, Spain
Home Current Data
Monthly Data
Data from a
Pro 2 Wireless Weather Station located at Almoster, Catalunya, Spain.
Station Coordinates are: Latitude: 41° 11' 27" N, Longitude: 1° 06' 31" E, Elevation: 248 m
Today, 21/01/25, the Sun rises at 7:15 and sets at 16:59 (UTC time). The Moon phase is
Data updated every 60'. Last update at 10:08 UTC. Local time is UTC + 2h in summer and UTC + 1h in winter.
This Month's Highs and Lows
Highest Temperature Lowest Temperature |
18.8 °C 1.3 °C |
High Humidity Low Humidity |
86 % 19 % |
High Dew Point Low Dew Point |
11.1 °C -8.3 °C |
High Wind |
75.6 km/hr |
High Barometer Low Barometer |
1032.7 hPa 1004.3 hPa |
High Rain Rate |
3.2 mm/hr |
Low Wind Chill |
-1.1 °C |
High Heat Index |
18.3 °C |
High Solar Radiation |
638 W/m² |
This Year's Highs & Lows
High Temperature Low Temperature |
18.8 °C 1.3 °C |
High Humidity Low Humidity |
86 % 19 % |
High Dew Point Low Dew Point |
11.1 °C -8.3 °C |
High Wind |
75.6 km/hr |
High Barometer Low Barometer |
1032.7 hPa 1004.3 hPa |
High Rain Rate |
3.2 mm/hr |
Low Wind Chill |
-1.1 °C |
High Heat Index |
18.3 °C |
High Solar Radiation |
638 W/m² |