History Weather Conditions
at Almoster, Catalunya, Spain

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Castellano Català

Data from a Davis Logo Vantage Pro 2 Wireless Weather Station located at Almoster, Catalunya, Spain.

Station Coordinates are: Latitude: 41° 11' 27" N, Longitude: 1° 06' 31" E, Elevation: 248 m

Today, 15/02/25, the Sun rises at 6:50 and sets at 17:30 (UTC time). The Moon phase is Moon Phase

Data updated every 60'. Last update at 10:08 UTC. Local time is UTC + 2h in summer and UTC + 1h in winter.
This Month's Highs and Lows Charts
Highest Temperature

Lowest Temperature

16.1 °C

4.0 °C

Outside Temperature History Barometer History

Outside Humidity History Outside Dewpoint History

Average Wind Speed History Wind Direction History

High Wind Speed History Direction of High Wind History

Total Rain History Evapotranspiration History

Wind Run History Solar Radiation History

High Humidity

Low Humidity

98 %

51 %

High Dew Point

Low Dew Point

11.7 °C

-0.6 °C

High Wind 66.0 km/hr
High Barometer

Low Barometer

1033.4 hPa

1014.4 hPa

High Rain Rate 5.4 mm/hr
Low Wind Chill 1.7 °C
High Heat Index 16.1 °C
High Solar Radiation 744 W/m²
This Year's Highs & Lows
High Temperature

Low Temperature

18.8 °C

1.3 °C

High Humidity

Low Humidity

98 %

19 %

High Dew Point

Low Dew Point

13.9 °C

-8.3 °C

High Wind 75.6 km/hr
High Barometer

Low Barometer

1033.4 hPa

1004.3 hPa

High Rain Rate 5.4 mm/hr
Low Wind Chill -1.1 °C
High Heat Index 18.3 °C
High Solar Radiation 744 W/m²